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Foundation Melvin Mora

Melvin Mora created this foundation not only to help people pursue their dreams in sports, but to also provide help to those who need it. After a couple years from the creation of the Melvin Mora Foundation, he organized a Home Run Derby with Major League Baseball Players to fund enough money in Venezuela in order to recreate the hospital that his grandmother died in. From this event, the foundation was able to determine how many people were truly in need of help. Gerber Company and Chico Diaper Company provided assistance along with the Melvin Mora Foundation to donate food and other necessities to families that needed it.

The Melvin Mora Foundation went around the world steering kids away from the danger on the streets, and turned their worlds completely around. In doing so, kids were able to focus more on having fun by playing sports rather than worrying about their daily lives. The Melvin Mora Foundation has also expanded its donations to Aruba, United States, Panama, and the Dominican Republic. They have donated medical supplies and sports equipment. They hope to reach more countries across the ocean in order to help as many people as possible.

Melvin Mora

A Charity with Mission

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Our Recent Causes

You can make a difference...

Feed Hungry Children

We help families in crisis and support countries that currently suffer economic problems. Currently us is supporting his country Venezuela, that is going thru hard economic moments

Medical Supplies

Foundation Melvin Mora supports by providing, food, water, and first aid medical supplies.

Support Through Sport

Motivates young Athletes to be better people through keeping them involved in the sport of baseball. Helping them to achieve their maximum potential in the sport and reach their life Goal to become an All-star baseball player


Foundation Melvin Mora School

Join us to give education. It is our main cause.

We give kids the opportunity to make their dreams come true and helping their families helping them reach their ultimate goal of becoming a baseball star.

No matter where you come from, you'll always be

All the events of the Melvin Mora Foundation that are hosted, all included five star resorts in Punta Cana. We try to make everybody feel comfortable when it's time to go on vacation or any event this organization funds. One of the reason the Melvin Mora Foundation organized events is to make everyone welcome.

Mission & Goals

Many children and poor people are at high risk of severe malnutrition

Homeless Children

Medical Facilities

Education For All

Love Your World

Wellness Program


One of the Greatest Feelings in the World is knowing
that we as individuals can make a difference in people's lives

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What's Happening

Melvin Mora sponsored the Melvin & Gisel Mora Charity Golf Tournament benefitting Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital

Melvin Mora sponsored the Melvin & Gisel Mora Charity Golf Tournament benefitting Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital for various years. Melvin Mora helped the hospital raise over hundreds of thousands of dollars along with various celebrities
